segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2022



Milence: the electric charging network for electric trucks begins to be built in Europe

The electric charging network to be built by the three European commercial vehicle manufacturers, Volvo Trucks, Traton Group and Daimler, will operate under the name of Milence. The charging infrastructure to be created by the most important industry players on the continent (the Tranton group also includes Scania and MAN) will mainly serve heavy commercial vehicles.

According to the plans, 1,700 new public electric charging points could be established in Europe in the coming years. However, most of them still do not affect the four Visegrad countries, not even Austria. The Milence recharge network will initially focus on Norway and Sweden, Spain and Italy, as well as the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium. According to the plans, the new charging network will also have charging columns (MCS) with a charging capacity of 1 megawatt, so that the electric trucks' batteries can be charged during the drivers' mandatory 45-minute rest period.

The CEO of Milence, Anja Van Niersen, believes that in 2024 trucks with battery technology may appear on the market, which on the one hand will already have a range of more than 400 kilometers and, on the other hand, will fully comply with the conditions for fast charging of megawatts . “That's why we don't have time to waste. We must arrange for the establishment of new charging points to build a sufficiently dense charging network for heavy trucks in the next five years” – drew attention to the CEO of Milence.

The specialist added that these are gas stations that meet the expectations of professional motorists in all respects. Thus, they will have toilets, changing rooms, as well as the possibility of buying food and drinks, as well as recreational rooms. In addition, they will provide maximum safety not only for drivers, but also for the goods to be transported. Milence now calculates that within two years the total cost of ownership (TCO) of electric vehicles could be lower than that of diesel engines. (This is already true for electric trucks intended for regional freight transport). This may further encourage hauliers to purchase electric trucks.


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