terça-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2021



The monstrous roar of the Mercedes F1 bolide 1.6L engine

Despite having only six cylinders, arranged in a V, and only 1.6 liters of capacity, the current F1 engines are a hell of a machine, producing approximately 700 hp, with an average consumption of 45 liters/100 km. The power of the combustion engine is then complemented by a set of three electric motors and a battery, to bring out 1000 hp in qualifying mode. Hence the rumble of the 1.6 V6 is far from silent or lacking in personality.

The engine to be used next season is essentially the same that F1 has been using since the current technical regulation was imposed in 2014. The basis is the same, but there are considerable changes, mainly due to the change in fuel. Instead of the chemical cocktail used so far, produced with the same constituents as commercial gasoline (but not necessarily in the same quantities), the 2022 fuel will see the percentage of sustainable fuel rise from the current 5.75% to 10%.

In practical terms, the new fuel is close to commercial E10 gasoline, made up of 10% ethanol and 90% fossil gasoline, with F1 ensuring that these 10% are biofuel, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emitted into the atmosphere, which has not been captured in the plant growth process. The reduction in emissions for 2022 will not be spectacular, as engines now consume 5.75% of biofuel, but it is a new leap in the right direction by the International Automobile Federation, towards 100% use of this more fuel-friendly fuel. environment, even if only in terms of CO2.


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