terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2020


E-mails reveal articulation against Carlos Ghosn at Nissan

New revelations in the Carlos Ghosn case reveal that the Brazilian executive, celebrated as one of the largest in the auto industry, but imprisoned for allegedly hiding assets and other misconduct at the Japanese automaker Nissan, suffered a campaign of attacks by top company executives, who they wanted to see him outside. The e-mails, revealed by anonymous sources to Boomberg, give strength to Ghosn's version, that he would be the target of a framework to take him out of power.
In one of those internal e-mails, which until then had been kept under wraps, executive Hari Nada, part of the automaker's senior staff, suggested that Ghosn's actions should be "neutralized before it was too late". Afterwards, Nada would sign an agreement with prosecutors to testify against the former Nissan leader.
The actions that Nada cite are Ghosn's attempts at the time to expand the integration between Nissan and Renault, a French automaker that in 1999 acquired 37% of Nissan, in a rescue of the Japanese company that was experiencing financial difficulties. The alliance allowed Renault to appoint Nissan executives, and ended up taking Ghosn to the position of executive chairman in 2001, a period that enshrined the executive because of his positive results.
At the same time, the alliance - reveals the emails published by Bloomberg - also gave rise to a power struggle in the executive sphere. According to the internal material, there was an effort by senior Nissan officials to remove Ghosn in order to "halt" the political influence of the foreign Renault and prevent further consolidation. In fact, after the Brazilian's arrest, the bow was renegotiated.
A central part of the campaign revealed in the emails, Nada has still traveled to Brazil and Lebanon, a country where Ghosn has citizenship, to try to accumulate evidence against Ghosn.
The revelations should now move further and give new chapters to an already extraordinary case due to the notoriety of the figures involved and the drama of the events, which included Ghosn's spectacular escape from Japan to Lebanon in 2019, where he currently resides, and awaits the trial of a Japanese government extradition request. 


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