domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2020

DAKAR 2020

Dakar 2020: Toby Price gana la primera etapa con Joan Barreda séptimo
Toby Price wins the first stage with Joan Barreda seventh

The Australian Toby Price has begun the defense of his victory in the Dakar by winning the first stage in the history of the test in Saudi Arabia, covering the 319 kilometers of special between Jeddah and Al Wajh in 3 hours, 19 minutes and 33 seconds.
[Update: Price has received a two-minute penalty. Keep the victory for five seconds].
The two-time winner of the test made the stage without a roadbook but took advantage of the reverse exit order among the Elite drivers (the first 23 race numbers) to overcome Ricky Brabec and Matthias Walkner in just over two minutes, with Kevin Benavides four minutes and Sam Sunderland closing a top 5 coached by KTM and Honda pilots, but closely followed by the Husqvarna of Chilean Pablo Quintanilla.
Joan Barreda has been the best Spanish to finish in seventh position but almost eight minutes from Price, and they have completed the top ten Luciano Benavides, Andrew Short and Adrien Van Beveren.

Dakar 2020: Toby Price gana la primera etapa con Joan Barreda séptimo

Laia Sanz(image above)  has imposed herself forcefully in the women's category, surpassing Dutch Mirjam Pol and South African Taye Perry in more than an hour, with Kirsten Landman fourth and Sara García fifth.
The GasGas rider has finished the stage in the 20th final position, a few places ahead of Joan Pedrero and Lorenzo Santolino, 24th and 26th respectively after paying the ‘open’ track.
In the 38th position, rookie Jaume Betriu has finished, with Fausto Mota 52º and Julián García Merino 61º for a total of seven Spaniards in the top 100 of the stage and, therefore, of the general.
1Toby PRICEAustraliaKTM3h25'57''
2Ricky BRABECEEUUHonda5''
3Matthias WALKNERAustriaKTM40''
4Kevin BENAVIDESArgentinaHonda2'31''
5Sam SUNDERLANDGran BretañaKTM3'15''
6Pablo QUINTANILLAChileHusqvarna3'36''
7Joan BARREDAEspañaHonda5'51''
8Luciano BENAVIDESArgentinaKTM6'56''
9Andrew SHORTEEUUHusqvarna7'03''
10Adrien VAN BEVERENFranciaYamaha7'52
by Nacho González

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