sábado, 1 de janeiro de 2022



Korean brand develops technology that turns the car on through gestures or facial expressions

LG Electronics has developed a biometric recognition technology that will allow a car to start without a key, for example, by a certain facial expression or finger movement. A patent application for a “biometric authentication method and device that uses multiple cameras in one vehicle” was filed with the United States Patent Office (USIPO) and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) in 2019, but that alone has now become known.

According to reports, LG's technology involves the use of two cameras, one designed to identify parts of the user's body and the other to adjust the viewing angle needed to read the iris or other biometric parameters. The technology allows not only starting the car's engine without a key, but also configuring the performance of some actions based on mime commands or gestures. In addition, the system is able to track the driver's level of fatigue and well-being based on processing data on facial expressions and eye position.

The developers believe that this technology can find application not only in the automotive industry, but also in areas related to virtual and augmented reality, as well as in fifth-generation (5G) communication networks. As keyless entry systems become more popular in the automotive industry, LG and its subsidiaries are focusing more on developing appropriate technologies. In December 2021, several other LG patents emerged in this area, including patents for folding automotive screens and vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology.


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