quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2020


Flying cars can now drive on North American roads

Technology continues to evolve, so there will soon be many companies that will propose flying cars to anyone who wants a new way of getting around, making a small part of the journey by road and the rest by air. But it is not easy to design a flying car that can meet the same level of requirements that all vehicles on public roads are obliged to do, both in terms of safety - in terms of deformable structures, for example - and in terms of emissions pollutants if they use combustion engines.
In order for the situation to evolve, it is necessary places where this type of car with wings and the ability to fly is allowed to move. And it was exactly in this sense that New Hampshire, the US state between Boston and the Canadian border, gave an important help, by passing a law that allows flying cars to travel on the road, with the condition that they do not use it. to take off or to land.

PAL-V Liberty flying car model

The new law, known as the Jetson Act, provides that owners of these winged cars can travel by road between airports and destination locations. Apparently, the law requires normal registration plates, similar to four-wheel vehicles, but not approval with the distinction of the same type of crash-tests and safety systems required for conventional cars.
It now remains to be seen whether flying car manufacturers, especially the most advanced in the development of their vehicles, take the opportunity to offer services in the US state that allow the testing of cars with wings under real conditions of use. The most advanced brands in this field appear to be Terrafugia, PAL-V Liberty, Samson Switchblade and Transition

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