quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2019


Volante de carro da PorscheMark is the subject of investigation by the German court

On Tuesday(28/05), a team of German prosecutors returned to the Porsche headquarters in Stuttgart, this time with suspected corruption. According to Deutsche Welle, the judicial authorities further justified this raid to the premises of the mark on suspicion that an auditor hired by the German Government will have been bribed by Porsche officials and passed confidential information, jeopardizing the results of the ongoing investigation.
According to the prosecutors' spokesman, there are six Porsche elements, some of whom are "in positions of leadership," who are at risk of being charged with breach of trust. On the same day, the team of 180 investigators searched the homes of the suspects, which led to the discovery of improper payments and transfers.
Porsche told Agence France-Presse that it was "collaborating with the authorities", and that this scandal comes following others, such as the one that punished the mark at 10 million euros for non-payment of taxes due in March, or earlier this month, which ordered Porsche to pay a fine of EUR 535 million due to its participation in the Dieselgate case, during which 11 million vehicles were fitted with fraudulent systems designed to handle fuel consumption and emissions harmful. Porsche did not contest this charge, nor did it contest the fine. Autonews

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