quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

Qing Tao Energy Development Co

700MWh batteries to come true in 2020
What is always said that the theme is electric cars is lithium batteries, but what all manufacturers are waiting for is the solid accumulators, those that exchange the liquid electrolyte for a solution very viscous or even solid, which allows to build batteries smaller, lighter and more energy-intensive products that are both cheaper to produce and faster to recharge as they do not run the risk of overheating or leaking and burning.
In the minds of the most optimistic technicians, solid batteries will be a reality within three to five years. So imagine the surprise when a Chinese startup announced it has started producing solid batteries. It is true that a Portuguese scientist had already done this in April 2017, when he said that they had manufactured validation prototypes and only had to advance to serial production. But the latest announcement on this issue comes from the claim of Qing Tao Energy Development Co, a startup born at Tsinghua University, which is one of the most reputed in China, which has stated that it has begun to produce so-called solid batteries.
Startup manager Nan Cewen told Chinese media that he invested 1 billion yuan, about 129 million euros, in the Kunshan production line, with an estimated annual capacity of 100 MWh, which could grow to 700 MWh in 2020. At the moment, according to Cewen, the company is concentrating on manufacturing batteries for special equipment and highly sophisticated products, but admits to also being in talks with numerous car manufacturers.
According to the head of Qing Tao Energy Development Co, they have already achieved the target of an energy density of 400 Wh / kg, which is a good value, not much compared to the conventional lithium batteries of the last generation, which will be mounted in the new electric vehicles from the end of 2019. Let's wait for the first vehicle equipped with this technology, to see how far it is an advance, or if everything is a sophisticated marketing operation, the Chinese state, trying attract even more customers to its battery industry. Autonews

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