domingo, 28 de junho de 2020


Brazilian driver manages to split a luxury Mercedes model in two

A serious accident on the BR-101, towards the north of the highway, at KM 184, in Biguaçu, this Sunday morning, the 28th, killed the 50-year-old businessman from Cricium, Roberto Angeloni. He was in a Mercedes-Benz AMG GT, with Cricklewood license plates, and was involved in a collision with a Ford Ranger vehicle. The businessman's car got off the track and crashed into a pole, coming off in the middle. Angeloni's death was confirmed by the Federal Highway Police (PRF).
According to Arteris Litoral Sul, the company that manages the stretch of highway, the accident happened around 11:30 am, in front of Posto Tijuquinhas (reference only). The businessman also died at the scene of the accident and a Ranger passenger was taken to the hospital in São José.

Early in the afternoon, images of the collision began to circulate on social media indicating that the businessman had been the victim of the accident. The confirmation came around 2:15 pm, when the PRF confirmed that it was Angeloni who was at Mercedes. The businessman is the son of Antenor Angeloni, owner of the Angeloni supermarket chain and former president of Criciúma Esporte Clube.

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