domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2019


It will be two auto mechanics ... a company from Israel says it is reality!

In the US, there are 57 milhões of vehicles that you have, among others and less serious, whose drivers do not know how to recall. It is this value corresponding to the North American market that impresses, or that the equivalent of no European market, where it is not easy to calculate or the number of vehicles that circulate with problems, nem fazer had two problems to make them sick.
Aurora Labs is an Israeli company, a leaflet with representation in Tel Aviv, more equally in Munique, Detroit, São Francisco and Hong Kong. Specialist in programming, Aurora traveled to artificial intelligence to develop a software capable of analyzing all the programs, identify where it is or is wrong and repair it.
Um two founders of the company, Zohar Fox, says that a modern car - mesmo semiautónomo - possui mais of 100 milhões de linhas de programação. To conclude, 100 milhões de linhas is about seven times more than that he has used combat aircraft such as Lockheed Martin F-35, or more sophisticated American air force. At the same height, every time there is more need for systems and functions, destined to help or train you, this 100 milhões de linhas will quickly double and triple.
With the software proposed by Aurora Labs, you can repair yourself by yourself, avoiding that you continue to circulate with programming errors that slightly, for example, airbags not to work or ABS, or more simple solutions - and less perigosas -, as or navigation system ou or live streaming. You construtors are going to do not need to pay for your cars in your offices, but you will be able to use even more, for nothing wrong with excessive cliffs - or what would happen if you continued to circulate with defending cars, but also to know.
In order for it to work, a solution to Aurora is only connected to connected vehicles, pois or Israelite company system requires constant access to the Internet. In practical terms, Zohar Fox advances that the first vehicles equipped with this new software will be marketed as of 2021, once Israelites will announce customers with a contract.

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