quarta-feira, 26 de junho de 2019


Slide 1 de 21: Em março de 2019, apresentamos a nossos leitores fotos do que acreditávamos ser o sucessor do EcoSport. Um que deveria usar a nova plataforma modular da marca, chamada de C2. Nem uma coisa nem outra. Afinal, o Ford Puma, revelado nesta quarta (26) pela fabricante, será vendido na Europa ao lado do EcoSport, como uma opção maior do que ele. E não terá a plataforma revelada pelo Focus de quarta geração, em abril de 2018, mas sim a mesma do caçula, chamada B. Provavelmente por uma questão de custos.Seja como for, o Puma poderia ser fabricado no Brasil com bastante facilidade. Camaçari é a única fábrica da Ford no país depois da possível venda ou fechamento da unidade de São Bernardo do Campo. Na Europa, o Puma será fabricado em Craiova, na Romênia, que não por acaso já produz o EcoSport para o mercado europeu.A plataforma B para o Puma recebeu mudanças, especialmente no entre-eixos e nas bitolas, mais longos. Curiosamente, a Ford evitou divulgar as dimensões do novo modelo. Só sabemos que ele é menor do que um Focus de quarta geração, que tem 4,38 m de comprimento, e maior que o Fiesta de sétima geração, com 4,04 m. A empresa gastou seu latim basicamente com o porta-malas e com os equipamentos do modelo, que você conhecerá mais a fundo a seguir com nossas fotos exclusivas.Brand presents Puma, the biggest brother of EcoSport

In March 2019, we presented our readers with photos of what we believed to be the successor to EcoSport. One that should use the brand's new modular platform, called C2. Neither this nor that. After all, the Ford Puma, revealed on Wednesday (26) by the manufacturer, will be sold in Europe alongside the EcoSport, as a bigger option than it. And it will not have the platform revealed by the fourth-generation Focus in April 2018, but rather the same as the youngest, called B. Probably for the sake of cost.
In any case, the Puma could be manufactured in Brazil quite easily. Camaçari is the only Ford factory in the country after the possible sale or closure of the São Bernardo do Campo unit. In Europe, the Puma will be manufactured in Craiova, Romania, which does not happen to produce the EcoSport for the European market. Slide 2 de 21: Pesquise por Ford Puma e você verá um esportivo pequeno, baseado no Fiesta, que fez muito sucesso na Europa no começo dos anos 2000. E o crossover busca inspiração exatamente naquele modelo, como mostram suas linhas de carroceria e os faróis. Com um máximo de 155 cv, mesmo com o motorzinho EcoBoost de 1 litro e 3 cilindros, é possível que o modelo realmente seja divertido de dirigir. Há também uma opção de 125 cv. Platform B for the Puma received changes, especially in the inter-axles and the longer gauges. Curiously, Ford avoided disclosing the dimensions of the new model. We only know that it is smaller than a fourth-generation Focus, which is 4.38 m long, and larger than the Fiesta seventh generation, 4.04 m. The company spent its Latin basically with the trunk and with the equipment of the model, that you will know more in depth to follow with our exclusive photos.
Puma not by chance
Search for Ford Puma and you'll see a small, Fiesta-based sports car that was very successful in Europe in the early 2000s. And the crossover looks for inspiration in exactly that model, as shown by its body lines and headlights. With a maximum of 155 hp, even with the 1-liter, 3-cylinder EcoBoost engine, it's possible that the model really is fun to drive. There is also a choice of 125 hp. Slide 3 de 21: Tanto os faróis de neblina quanto as lanternas trazem elementos de LED. A Ford não especificou como serão os faróis principais, mas mostrou que eles trazem DRLs com uma assinatura bastante distinta, composta por duas linhas que emolduram as peças.

Both foglamps and lanterns feature LED elements. Ford did not specify what the main headlights would look like, but it showed that they carry DRLs with a rather distinctive signature, consisting of two lines framing the parts.
Sport lantern
At the rear, the sporty style of the new crossover is enhanced by the design of the lanterns, which invade the trunk lid.
The tailgate of the new crossover has 456 liters, according to Ford, but it's not just space that makes it noteworthy. The versatility in its use is what counts the most.
At first glance, the trunk may look shallow, but it is only because of the lower lid, made of recycled paper and glue, but with a structure that, according to the manufacturer, makes it extremely sturdy. Slide 9 de 21: Mas é o último nível o que realmente mostra o quanto o Puma pode ser versátil. Note que a tampa inferior foi apoiada no encosto da segunda fileira de bancos. E revela uma caixa quadrada que serviria para carregar objetos longos, com até 1,15 m de altura. Como um vaso de plantas ou tacos de golfe. A caixa tem 80 litros de capacidade, com 763 mm de largura, 752 mm de comprimento e 305 mm de profundidade. Ela fica no lugar da caixa de estepe e pode inclusive ser lavada com água corrente, que pode ser escoada por um buraco coberto por uma tampa. Como um ralo. Three levels
But it's the last level that really shows how much Puma can be versatile. Note that the lower cover is supported on the backrest of the second row of seats. And reveals a square box that would serve to carry long objects, up to 1.15 m high. Like a potted plant or golf clubs. The box has 80 liters of capacity, 763 mm wide, 752 mm long and 305 mm deep. It stays in place of the steppe box and can even be washed with running water, which can be drained through a hole covered by a lid. Like a drain. Slide 16 de 21: O que o Puma traz de mais novo em seu interior é um painel inteiramente digital, de 12,3 polegadas, que seria plenamente configurável. Todo o resto, inclusive a central multimídia SYNC 3, flutuante e compatível com Apple Car Play e Android Auto, são bastante familiares.
Digital panel. Family interior
What the new Puma brings inside is a fully digital 12.3-inch panel that would be fully configurable. Everything else, including the SYNC 3 multimedia hub, floating and compatible with Apple Car Play and Android Auto, are quite familiar. Slide 17 de 21: Repare no detalhe que o painel digital mostra quando se liga o carro. 
Digital Pleasure
Here, in an enlarged version, one can see a stylized puma. Which reminds a lot of the horse lines that the Mustang emblem boasts. Another sporty reference, but Ford stands out mainly the electronic nannies of the model.
The Puma will have adaptive speed controller, shutdown of one of the three engine cylinders, blind spot monitoring, cross traffic alert, 180º rear camera, electric trunk opening with foot movement, parking attendant, track assist, walkway recognition, and, most importantly, local hazard warning, or Local Hazard Warning, which anticipates problems with the route through alerts from Here, a company mapping of BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz. 48V Hybrid
One explanation for the 155-horsepower EcoBoost engine is the use of a 48V belt-driven alternator (called BISG), which helps the model to accelerate with more vigor. With the electric motor acting, the EcoBoost can have its compression ratio reduced and receive a larger turbo. All because the electric motor compensates for the "turbo lag", that is, the delay in the typical throttle response of turbocharged engines, especially those of larger turbines, which take longer to fill.
In addition to the EcoBoost, the Puma will have EcoBlue turbodiesel engines and an automated dual clutch and 7-speed transmission in addition to the 6-speed manual. Autocar

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