terça-feira, 6 de março de 2018


Scania SLX ‘Nextgen’ Longline
This spectacular truck is the new Scania SLX Longline. This is the first ever Scania of the new generation that has the longer cab. The bodywork was streched with 120 cm by Van Winkoop in The Netherlands. The great artwork and finish are from MW Designs and all the rest of the bodyparts and rearbumper are done by Steve's Place. Special Interior designed and produced the interior of the truck. The Scania SLX 500 is owned by Lasse Hansen from Sweden. He is going to use the truck for transporting steel in Sweden.

A empresa #Van Winkoop, da Holanda apresentou seu último trabalho, o #Scania #SLX 500 #Longline, baseado na nova cabine S da Scania, com 500 cavalos de potência, em um chassi 6x2, que foi alongado em 120 cm, para acomodar a nova cabine mais longa. A cabine foi reconstruída com chaparia de qualidade, recebendo os mesmos reforços estruturais da versão original, que mantém o padrão de segurança. #Caminhao #VanWinkoop #ScaniaLongline #ScaniaSLX

Van Winkoop from the Netherlands presented their latest work, the Scania SLX 500 Longline, based on the new 500-horsepower Scania S cab in a 6x2 chassis that was extended by 120 cm to accommodate the new long. The cabin was rebuilt with quality plating, receiving the same structural reinforcements as the original version, which maintains the standard of safety.

Source: Lep Van Der Meer

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